"Don't Talk Back to Me!": + 750 TYP

Nothing screams "I'm a 21st-century Yankee" quite like getting your hair cut (sort of, see below), shaving your awful facial hair, and then telling the press to go screw themselves on the way to your physical.
According to the New York Daily News, here's the play-by-play of ONE of the incidents that day:
Cameraman Vinny Everett: "Hey, buddy."
Security guard Jerry Laveroni: "Hey, how ya doing?"
Randy Johnson: "Hey."
Laveroni: "No cameras, man. No cameras."
(Johnson reaches out for lens of camera and points it downward)
Everett: "Hey, what was that? What is that?"
Laveroni: "No cameras!"
Johnson: "Get out of my face, that's all I ask."
Everett: "I'm just taking a picture."
Johnson: "No, you're not."
Laveroni: "No cameras!"
Johnson: "No cameras!"
Laveroni: "I got it Randy, I got it."
Johnson: "All right, don't get in my face. I don't care who you are, don't get in my face!"
Everett: "I'm just taking a picture, it's supposed to be a happy (inaudible)."
Johnson: "Don't get in my face, and don't talk back to me, all right!"
Laveroni: "Come on, Randy."
Johnson: "Or you'll see what I'm like!"
Everett, as Johnson walked away: "Welcome to New York!
And don't think, for a moment, that this was just a case of getting the Big Unit at a bad time, which has certainly happened to me on occasion (generally when that new chick from Publications walks by).
Here are just a few anger management incidents involving Randy over the years; once again, courtesy of the Daily News:
"June, 1988: While pitching for Triple-A Indianapolis in Montreal's system, missed nearly two months with a hairline fracture of fifth metacarpal bone on his right hand for punching a concrete wall. He was traded to Seattle one season later. June 1998: Initiates a clubhouse fight with Mariners teammate David Segui purportedly because Segui would not lower his stereo.
July 1998: Sparks a bench-clearing brawl between Seattle and Cleveland when he whistles consecutive pitches at the head of Indians outfielder Kenny Lofton, earning a suspension.
Dec. 2003: Following a few years of mutual jealousy and personality conflicts with Johnson, Diamondbacks co-ace Curt Schilling forces a trade, and winds up with the Red Sox, the eventual World Series champions.
July 2004: Johnson and teammate Luis Gonzalez nearly drop the gloves in a dugout runway after Johnson questioned the outfielder's effort following a three-run error that led to an Arizona loss. Johnson reportedly shoved Gonzalez into a water cooler before the two had reached the runway."
He and Sheffield are perfect together - wait until Bonds is the DH! Harmony will reign...
Fighting with the NY press is as Yankee as it gets nowadays, thanks to Reggie, Winfield, Munson, Georgie-pie, Billy Martin, and a host of other characters. Welcome to New York, Randy!
$32 million American schrods at the age of 42: + 1000 TYP

I know. I said above that he had plenty left in the tank. And I think he still does, even now at age 43. But after forking over $9 million for the guy, the Yankees then give him TWO MORE YEARS at $16 million a pop - guaranteed. Only the Yankees would have the audacity for that.
2001: - 1500 TYP
OK. Do you remember?
Three beautiful performances, punctuated by the ballsy trip from the bullpen and Mariano blowing it. Now, I know what many of you are thinking here: how can this only count for 1500 measly True Yankee Points? It's a good question, and the answer can be found here.
Take a good look at that team. First, notice how many players are 34 years old or older. Then, see how many of them were purchased for one or two years... look familiar, Yankee fans? That's right! It's YOUR current team's alter ego! (Well, there is one exception...these guys won the World Series).
I cannot, in good conscience, take off more points than that when the team with which Johnson stuck it to the Yankees was basically a mirror image of the Yankees themselves. Hell, the Yankees seemed to like that team - they signed a couple of those fellows themselves, and traded Mondesi (remember him) over there afterwards... with cash, of course.