Our manifesto...

It must be hard to be a Yankee fan. Your owner is paying good money for the best talent money can buy... but sometimes he's not hiring the right kind of people.
We hear a lot about whether certain people are True Yankees or not, but what exactly does being a true pinstriper entail?
As I am not a Yankee fan, I figure the best thing to do is to consider, one at a time, many of the past and present Yankees and find out what makes them True Yankees or Not True Yankees. We'll engage in sabermetric analysis, character histories, and employ many other diagnostic tools to find out the basic attributes that define True Yankeehood. We'll also look at celebrities and other non-athletes to assess their True Yankeehood or lack thereof as well. But we'll need your help!
From this we hope to extrapolate a True Yankee Formula, which will give us a new statistic, TRUE YANKEEHOOD SCORE (TYS for short), that can be used for future case studies.
Let's get started!
At 5:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
At 3:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Why is it that every time after I've taken a shit when I look at what's in the toilet I immediately think of you?
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